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The official translation of HOMESTEAD is: farm / farm.

The main difference is that a farmer or farmer's wife earns money from the work they do on the farm to support themselves. They work in agriculture or livestock. And concentrate, for example, on the cultivation of potatoes, dairy farming or growing wheat.

A homesteader (that is someone who lives on a homestead) is usually not a farmer or farmer's wife. However, most homesteaders only grow different fruits and vegetables for their own use. They keep animals in order to live self-sufficient, regionally and environmentally consciously. For example chickens for their own eggs. A single homesteader may also sell some products, but often they also have a job next to it.

This is the case with us! We both work in the food business (catering / advice agency) and live on the farm for pleasure and we try to create a self-sufficient existence as much as possible.

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